
The upcoming online workshop, Journey to Healing, Creating Safety Within will include information on the tool of meditation… read more below on how the presenter came to a deeper connection with her inner world and her Higher Power through meditation. If you want to experience more on this topic, sign up now for the MarchContinue reading “Meditation”

Essential Components of Healing and Creating Safety Within

By Dana T. Self-compassion and Self-Kindness – What are our beliefs surrounding the practice of self-compassion and kindness towards ourselves? For many, there’s a belief that the harsher we are on ourselves, the safer we’ll be. Consequently, we often feel resistance when attempting to extend kindness and compassion to ourselves. It’s crucial to be awareContinue reading “Essential Components of Healing and Creating Safety Within”

Levels of Friendship

by Karen D (from 2022 ICC) Co-Dependents are famous for having unequal partners. Promise 6: I learn to see myself as equal to others. My new and renewed relationships are all with equal partners.  This info was adapted from a workshop held at CoDA’s annual convention in 2022by Karen D called “Take My Advice, I’m NotContinue reading “Levels of Friendship”


It can be challenging to manage codependency at this time of year. Step 12 reminds us to practice these principles in all our affairs. Using the tools of the program we can navigate the waters ahead. With our Higher Power and our recovery community, we can face new challenges with courage and self-acceptance.  We remember we are caredContinue reading “Trust”

Step 9-Amends Are Changes Not Apologies

“Made direct amends to such people, wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.” Step 9 Many people find this step… challenging. Fortunately, in CoDA, we have a method for making amends. It helped me to hear someone say at a meeting, “you don’t apologize to the Constitution, you amend it”.Continue reading “Step 9-Amends Are Changes Not Apologies”

Breaking the barrier of perfectionism

I’m a double winner of sorts…recovering co-dependent and a recovering perfectionist.
Codependents often are other-focused. We often care too much about what others think about us. We believe the lie that our value comes from outside ourselves so it’s important to us that we appear perfect.

Self-compassion toward our bodies by Dr Kristin Neff

It’s common for us to feel uncomfortable about our bodies, especially after the holiday season. We may judge them as not thin enough or attractive enough or strong enough or young enough or healthy enough. An important part of self-compassion is extending kindness and care to the physical form we inhabit, appreciating its gifts ratherContinue reading “Self-compassion toward our bodies by Dr Kristin Neff”

hope for healthy relationships

Once upon a time, I became obsessed with a narcissist. All I wanted was for him to commit to me and me alone.  We had so much in common.  I loved him and he loved him.  This was my unconscious pattern.  I’d done it before in my past relationships. I tried everything I could thinkContinue reading “hope for healthy relationships”