Accepting all parts of ourselves

The Self is who I truly am. I know I’m in Self when I am compassionate, curious and connected. I know I am in Self when I accept, without judgment, all my parts…even those that may create problems in my life. I know ALL my parts are trying to help and protect me in theirContinue reading “Accepting all parts of ourselves”

Step 11-finding my higher power

The principle of Step 11 is SPIRITUAL AWARENESS.  Prayer means asking.  Meditation means listening.  One of the things I love about this step is that it gives permission to define our own Higher Power.  What does my spirit tell me?    Many experiences over the last 40 years of recovery work have brought me giftsContinue reading “Step 11-finding my higher power”

The second arrow

by Rita E. “In life, we cannot always control the first arrow. However, the second arrow is our reaction to the first. And with this second arrow comes the possibility of choice.” ~The Buddha We cannot control the painful experiences we endured as children or mistakes we made in the past, and because we areContinue reading “The second arrow”