
Your Journey Continues

Am I Codependent?

The Patterns are a tool to aid in self-evaluation. They help us understand our codependency. The Patterns are not an indictment of character or personality. Codependent traits are learned perceptions and deeply rooted behaviors we adopted to survive life, our family of origin, or other systems or relationships.

What are CoDA meetings?

A CoDA meeting is the heart of our recovery program. A fellowship of people, many with life experiences similar to yours, come together to follow the Steps and Traditions of the program. Through sharing our experience, strength, and hope— we find peace, love, and acceptance.

Recovery Patterns
of Codependency

The Recovery Patterns of Codependency guide us in our journey of self-discovery — learning to love the self. Living the program of CoDA allows each of us to become increasingly honest with ourselves about our personal histories and our own codependent behaviors.

Experience the Promises

“I can expect a miraculous change in my life by working the program of Codependents Anonymous. As I make an honest effort to work the Twelve Steps and follow the Twelve Traditions…”

Come to CoDA, stay for the miracle

Information for Professionals

Do some of your clients demonstrate codependent behaviors? CoDA may be helpful. Psychologists, mediators, clergy, social service providers and many other professionals may work with people who could be helped by the Program of Co-Dependents Anonymous.

MinnCoDA’s Recovery Blog

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