Practice Non-resistance

Surrender only hurts until we do it. Life is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to. Can I accept and allow instead of resisting? Can I practice with the small things?… the feeling I don’t want to feel… what I need to do next… uncertainty… aloneness…? Pain x Resistance = Suffering Pain is a partContinue reading “Practice Non-resistance”

True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being

True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being – Well being is the deep contentment that arises from a relaxed, wakeful presence. This talk explores the beliefs and habits that contract us away from presence, and several key ways we can nourish our natural capacity for happiness. Lots of messages in this podcast that resonate with what I amContinue reading “True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being”

Serenity Now!

It’s CoDA tool Tuesday and I find myself in a place that requires one of my favorite tools…acceptance. I’m at the DMV. As I walked in with hopefully all the papers needed to do my renewals, I was greeted by a smiling woman who informed me that the wait time would be an hour andContinue reading “Serenity Now!”

The Chameleon

Chameleoning.  My spell checker doesn’t recognize it.  I just hate when we take a noun and use it like a verb…adulting, Googling… It’s just that I have a hard time finding a better word to describe what I do when I change who I am to please someone else, to fit in, to avoid conflict,Continue reading “The Chameleon”

The Serenity Prayer

By Tom P. God, grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the difference. I have prayed this prayer literally hundreds of times in meetings over the last 2 1/2 years and many more times on my own when looking forContinue reading “The Serenity Prayer”