
It can be challenging to manage codependency at this time of year. Step 12 reminds us to practice these principles in all our affairs. Using the tools of the program we can navigate the waters ahead. With our Higher Power and our recovery community, we can face new challenges with courage and self-acceptance.  We remember we are caredContinue reading “Trust”

Practice Non-resistance

Surrender only hurts until we do it. Life is unfolding exactly as it is supposed to. Can I accept and allow instead of resisting? Can I practice with the small things?… the feeling I don’t want to feel… what I need to do next… uncertainty… aloneness…? Pain x Resistance = Suffering Pain is a partContinue reading “Practice Non-resistance”

Steps 6 & 7

adapted from CoDA’s “12 Steps Handbook” Step 6: “Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.”What does it mean to be entirely ready? In CoDA, we learn that it means completely prepared. The first five steps are a large part of that preparation. What we need now is willingness. What areContinue reading “Steps 6 & 7”

Have Your Way

by a recovering co-dependent 🙂 This song by Britt Nicole helped me when I was new to recovery and going through a difficult time in my life. I was learning how to develop trust in a Higher Power. Surrender was unfamiliar to me. Fear of the unknown future was paralyzing. The lyrics, especially in theContinue reading “Have Your Way”

What you are feeling is probably grief

Someone sent me this article the other day and then a different person sent me an amazing podcast by Brene Brown where she is talking with the same author, David Kessler. He is the world’s foremost expert on grief and co-wrote with Elisabeth Kübler-Ross On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief through theContinue reading “What you are feeling is probably grief”

True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being

True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being – Well being is the deep contentment that arises from a relaxed, wakeful presence. This talk explores the beliefs and habits that contract us away from presence, and several key ways we can nourish our natural capacity for happiness. Lots of messages in this podcast that resonate with what I amContinue reading “True Happiness: Realizing Well-Being”

Step One

We admitted we were powerless over others- that our lives had become unmanageable. Step One of Co-Dependents Anonymous My home group focuses on the step corresponding to the month. January is one, February…two, etc. So this week’s CoDA Tool Tuesday piece is on step one. Step one is a tool I use all the time.Continue reading “Step One”

What is detachment? And how do I let go?

The tool of detachment is a powerful way we can deal with situations that could harm us. It is a choice to disengage emotionally from people or situations. We strive to detach with love for ourselves and others knowing that we are not responsible for the behavior of others and they are not responsible forContinue reading “What is detachment? And how do I let go?”

Serenity Now!

It’s CoDA tool Tuesday and I find myself in a place that requires one of my favorite tools…acceptance. I’m at the DMV. As I walked in with hopefully all the papers needed to do my renewals, I was greeted by a smiling woman who informed me that the wait time would be an hour andContinue reading “Serenity Now!”

The Falling Star

by DeAnn B. I’m very grateful for my new journey in CoDA. I’m learning acceptance and surrender, about trusting my Higher Power and the light that’s been placed within me to have my own experience, strength and hope that is a joy to share in the fellowship of others.I wrote this in about one minuteContinue reading “The Falling Star”